Package-level declarations
Created by Nicholas Eddy on 12/26/18.
Created by Nicholas Eddy on 4/2/18.
Handler for arbitrary changes to some source.
ChangeObservers implemented using a SetPool.
Defines an activity that can be completed at some point.
Provides a filtered view of an underlying ObservableList. Changes to this list affect the underlying list, but their effects may not be visible once applied due to filter.
Created by Nicholas Eddy on 3/22/20.
Handler for arbitrary changes to some source.
A List that notifies observers of changes to its contents.
A Pool that notifies of changes to its contents.
Implementation of ObservablePool based on a Set. Contents are stored in the provided delegate.
Created by Nicholas Eddy on 2/13/18.
Defines an activity that can be paused and resumed.
Observer of changes to ObservablePool.
PropertyObservers implemented using a SetPool.
Utility for resizing/moving a View. It supports compass direction resizing and dragging.
A square (NxN) Matrix.
Creates a ReadWriteProperty that will cancel the previous value when changed.
Creates an NxN SquareMatrix, where N == size.
Inherited functions
Ads value to the list at the specify index, or at the end of the list if that index exceeds the current list length.
Creates a new Pool that is based on another of a different type.
Creates a new SquareMatrix whose members are the transform of those in this one.
Like map, but with col, row given for each item during tranformation.
Rounds this number to the nearest value.
Splits the character sequence based on a regex into a set of MatchedChunks, which indicates the match and the delimiter that separates it from its neighbor on the right.
Splits the given character sequence based on this regex into a set of MatchedChunks.
Matrix multiplication of two Matrixes.
Matrix multiplication of two SquareMatrixes.
Right Scalar multiplication of a SquareMatrix.
Left Scalar multiplication of a SquareMatrix.
Gives the transposition of a SquareMatrix.