Package-level declarations
A Polygon with internal angles all <= 180°
Provides a way to create Paths programmatically.
Provides a mechanism to measure the size of a Path.
A rectangular ConvexPolygon with 4 sides at right-angles.
Determines how to connect current and end points in a Path
Inherited properties
The circle's circumference (2 * PI * Circle.radius)
The circle's diameter (2 * Circle.radius)
Creates a Path at the given point and a builder to further define it.
Creates a Path from the path data string.
Creates a Path at the given x,y and a builder to further define it.
Creates a Star with n points that is described by an outer and inner Circle, which its concave and convex points respectively.
Creates a rounded star.
Inherited functions
Creates a Regular polygon by inscribing it within the ellipse.
Creates a Circle that is inscribed within the rectangle
Creates an Ellipse that is inscribed within the rectangle
Calculate the interior angle between 2 vectors =>angle := cos(α) = a·b / (|a|·|b|)
Draws a line from the current point to this one.
Create a new ConvexPolygon with each point transformed by transform.
Moves from the current point to this one.
Create a new ConvexPolygon with the same points, but in reversed order.
Creates a rounded shape from a Polygon. The resulting shape is essentially a polygon with the vertices rounded using a semicircular curve.
Returns a new Rectangle with the specified size, and all the other dimensions from this one.