Package-level declarations


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Created by Nicholas Eddy on 1/30/20.

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class Modules


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inline fun <T : Application> application(allowDefaultDarkMode: Boolean = false, modules: List<DI.Module> = emptyList(), noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<*>.() -> T): Application

Launches a top-level application (full-screen) with the given modules. The set of modules configure which types are available for injection to the app. Modules also control some features like Pointer and Keyboard support.

inline fun <T : Application> application(root: HTMLElement, allowDefaultDarkMode: Boolean = false, modules: List<DI.Module> = emptyList(), noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<*>.() -> T): Application

Launches an application nested within root with the given modules. The set of modules configure which types are available for injection to the app. Modules also control some features like Pointer and Keyboard support.

inline fun <T : Application> application(root: HTMLElement, allowDefaultDarkMode: Boolean = false, modules: List<DI.Module> = emptyList(), noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<*>.() -> T): Application

Launches an application nested within root with the given modules. The set of modules configure which types are available for injection to the app. Modules also control some features like Pointer and Keyboard support.