Package-level declarations


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open class Carousel<T, M : ListModel<T>>(model: M, itemVisualizer: ItemVisualizer<T, CarouselItem>) : View

A visual component that renders and cycles through a list of items of type T using a CarouselBehavior. Items are obtained via the model and presented such that a single item is "selected" at any time. Large ("infinite") lists of items are supported efficiently, since Carousel recycles the Views generated to render its items.

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interface CarouselBehavior<T> : Behavior<Carousel<T, *>>

Controls how Carousels behave and are rendered. It provides the Presenter used for Carousels as well as controls how they transition between items.

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Provides context about a Carousel's current state to ItemVisualizers.

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Presenter that uses a constraint to determine the selected item's bounds within the Carousel.

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class CubePresenter<T>(orientation: Orientation = Horizontal, camera: (viewPort: Size) -> Camera = { Camera(Point(it.width / 2, it.height / 2), 1000.0) }, itemConstraints: ConstraintDslContext.(Bounds) -> Unit = fill) : ConstraintBasedPresenter<T>

Shows contents of a Carousel as though they are the faces of a cubic shape that rotates as the frame changes.

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open class DampedTransitioner<T>(timer: Timer, scheduler: AnimationScheduler, decelerationTime: Measure<Time> = 1 * seconds, dampLevel: Measure<InverseUnits<Time>> = 10 / seconds) : CarouselBehavior.Transitioner<T>

Carousel Transitioner that provides smooth, physics-based deceleration at the end of a Carousel's manual movement.

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class DissolvePresenter<T>(easeOut: (Float) -> Float = { it }, easeIn: (Float) -> Float = { it }, itemConstraints: ConstraintDslContext.(Bounds) -> Unit = fill) : ConstraintBasedPresenter<T>

Shows contents of a Carousel one by one, and does an opacity fade between them as the frame changes.

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class DynamicCarousel<T, M : DynamicListModel<T>>(model: M, itemVisualizer: ItemVisualizer<T, CarouselItem>) : Carousel<T, M>

A Carousel that renders and cycles through a potentially mutable list of items of type T using a CarouselBehavior. Items are obtained via the model and presented such that a single item is "selected" at any time. Large ("infinite") lists of items are supported efficiently, since Carousel recycles the Views generated to render its items.

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class FlipPresenter<T>(orientation: Orientation = Horizontal, camera: (viewPort: Size) -> Camera = { Camera(Point(it.width / 2, it.height / 2), 1000.0) }, itemConstraints: ConstraintDslContext.(Bounds) -> Unit = fill) : ConstraintBasedPresenter<T>

Shows contents of a Carousel one by one, as though they were on 2D cards that flip as the frame changes.

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typealias ItemsObserver<T, M> = (source: DynamicCarousel<T, M>, differences: Differences<T>) -> Unit
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class LinearPresenter<T>(orientation: Orientation = Horizontal, spacing: (Size) -> Double = { 0.0 }, itemConstraints: ConstraintDslContext.(Bounds) -> Unit = fill) : ConstraintBasedPresenter<T>

Presenter that shows items in a continuous stream with optional spacing between them. Items are positioned in the Carousel using itemConstraints.

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class ReflectionPresenter<T>(floorPaint: (Size) -> Paint = { (Black opacity 0.25f).paint }, itemConstraints: ConstraintDslContext.(Bounds) -> Unit = fill) : ConstraintBasedPresenter<T>

Shows contents of a Carousel one by one, as though they are hanging on walls that rotate when the frame changes.

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class SlicerPresenter<T>(numSlices: Int = 5, orientation: Orientation = Vertical, itemConstraints: ConstraintDslContext.(Bounds) -> Unit = fill) : ConstraintBasedPresenter<T>

Shows contents of a Carousel one by one, and "slices" them into ribbons as it transitions between frames.


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fun <T> dampedTransitioner(timer: Timer, scheduler: AnimationScheduler, decelerationTime: Measure<Time> = 1 * seconds, dampLevel: Measure<InverseUnits<Time>> = 10 / seconds, transition: (carousel: Carousel<T, *>, startItem: Int, endItem: Int, update: (progress: Float) -> Unit) -> Pausable): DampedTransitioner<T>

Creates a DampedTransitioner that calls transition when it needs to skip between frames.