Package-level declarations


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interface DragOperation

Represents the characteristics of data that is transferred from a source to a target during a drag-drop sequence.

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interface DragRecognizer

Defines how drag recognition works for Views. Adding drag support to a View requires registering a DragHandler that will determine when to initiate a DragOperation in response to a PointerEvent.

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class DropEvent(val view: View, val location: Point, val bundle: DataBundle, val action: DragOperation.Action?)

Event describing a data drop attemtp for a View.

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interface DropReceiver

Manages data drop attempts for a View. It is responsible (through return values from various methods) for determining when a drop operation can be completed for a given View.


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inline fun dragRecognized(crossinline handler: (event: PointerEvent) -> DragOperation?): DragRecognizer

Helper to create a simple DragRecognizer that delegates to the given handler.