Package-level declarations
Data describing a KeyValueTable column.
Defines how columns within Table and related controls are sized.
Map based model used with KeyValueTable.
A visual component that renders an immutable list of key (K) - value (V) pairs using a TableBehavior. Items are obtained via the model and selection is managed via the optional selectionModel. Large ("infinite") lists are supported efficiently, since Table recycles the Views generated to render its items.
Indicates the y-offset and height of a table's header.
A visual component that renders a mutable list of items of type T using a TableBehavior.
KeyValueModel that simply wraps a Map
A visual component that renders an immutable list of items of type T using a TableBehavior. Items are obtained via the model and selection is managed via the optional selectionModel. Large ("infinite") lists are supported efficiently, since Table recycles the Views generated to render its items.
Controls the look and feel for a Table.
Defines how cells in a MutableTable are edited.
Controls the look and feel for a TreeTable.
Creates a FooterCellGenerator based on the given lambda.
Creates a HeaderCellGenerator based on the given lambda.
Creates a MetaRowPositioner based on the given lambda.
Creates a TableCellEditor that modifies a single cell R within a row T.
DSL for creating TableCellEditor from a lambda.