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Doodle supports RGBA colors (via the Color class), for rendering content to the Canvas via paints like ColorPaint. Colors can be created explicitly using hex notation, or you can use any of the built-in values (i.e. Red). Colors can also be derived from others with one of the many utility functions like lighter, darker, or by changing opacity.

package rendering import io.nacular.doodle.drawing.Color import io.nacular.doodle.drawing.darker import io.nacular.doodle.drawing.opacity import io.nacular.doodle.drawing.paint fun colors() { //sampleStart Color(0xff0000u ) // create red Color(0xffffffu, opacity = 0.5f) // white with 0.5 opacity Color.Red // build-in red Color.Blue opacity 0.5f // blue with 0.5 opacity Color.Blue.inverted // inverse of blue Color.Lightgray.darker(0.5f) // darker gray Color.Blue.paint // paint from a color //sampleEnd }

HSL and HSV Colors

Sometimes it is more effective to work within other color spaces. Doodle has built-in utilities for HSL and HSV colors, though these colors cannot be used directly for rendering. That said, there are many utilities for easily transforming between them and RGBA.

The ColorPicker controls uses HSV internally for example.