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Contacts Tutorial

This tutorial shows how you might build a simple app to track a list of contacts, each with a name and phone number. It is inspired by, which was built using React.

The app is multiplatform and is initialized with different dependencies based on the hosting situation. For example, the one embedded in these docs does not support deep linking, as the router used is a memory only implementation. The full screen, Web version does support deep links though. This works seamlessly, as the app itself is unaware of the implementation details of its dependencies.


You can also see the full-screen apps here: JavaScript, WebAssembly.

Project Setup

This app (like the others in this tutorial) is created as a multi-platform library, with a multiplatform launcher that depends on it. This is not necessary to use Doodle. You could create a single multiplatform build with the common parts of your app in commonMain etc.. This setup is used here because the app are also launched by an app within DocApps when embedding it like below. Therefore, we need a pure library for the app. This is why there is an app and a runner.


plugins { kotlin("multiplatform" ) alias(libs.plugins.serialization) } kotlin { // Defined in buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/Common.kt jsTargets () jvmTargets () wasmJsTargets() sourceSets { commonMain { dependencies { api(libs.coroutines.core ) api(libs.serialization.json) api(libs.kodein.di ) api(libs.doodle.controls ) api(libs.doodle.themes ) api(libs.doodle.animation) } } } }

Build uses libs.versions.toml file.

The Application

ContactsApp is the entry point into our application. This is where the general structure of our app is defined. Note that Doodle creates all apps via constructor and passes their dependencies that way. This means the ContactsApp can begin work on setting up its views, layout, and routing directly in init.



class ContactsApp(/*...*/): Application { // ... init { // Coroutine used to load assets appScope.launch(uiDispatcher) { val appAssets = assets() themeManager.selected = theme // Install theme header = Header (appAssets) contactList = ContactList(appAssets) // Register handlers for different routes router["" ] = { _,_ -> /* Contact List */ } router["/add" ] = { _,_ -> /* Contact Creation */ } router["/contact/([0-9]+)" ] = { _, matches -> /* Contact */ } router["/contact/([0-9]+)/edit"] = { _, matches -> /* Contact Editing */ } display += header // Happens after header is added to ensure view goes below create button router.fireAction() display += CreateButton(appAssets) // Setup layout that manages how Header, CreateButton, and current View are positioned display.layout = simpleLayout { container -> // ... } display.fill(appAssets.background.paint) } } // ... override fun shutdown() { /* no-op */ } }

Notice that shutdown is a no-op, since we don't have any cleanup to do when the app closes.

Async Assets

The app uses custom fonts and images, both of which require async loading via FontLoader and ImageLoader. It is easiest to load these within the app itself (instead of trying to load them in the launcher and injecting). We are using the AppConfig interface to hold these assets and many different app attributes. The ContactsApp therefore needs to create an instance of this config, which must happen asynchronously since it internally loads fonts and images. This is what the assets factory does, and why the app needs a CoroutineScope and CoroutineDispatcher injected.


class ContactsApp( // ... assets : suspend () -> AppConfig, appScope : CoroutineScope, uiDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, // ... ): Application { // ... init { appScope.launch(uiDispatcher) { val appAssets = assets() // ... } } // ... }

Our launcher creates the appScope ahead of app creation and injects it, along with Dispatchers.UI (web, desktop).


fun main() { // ... val appScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.Default) application (modules = listOf( // ... )) { // load app ContactsApp( // ... appScope = appScope uiDispatcher = Dispatchers.UI, // ... ) } }


Like most apps, we will use Views that rely on Behaviors to control their look and feel. This includes things like TextField, Label, ScrollPanel, and HyperLink. Therefore, we need to either provide these behaviors directly to each View, or use a Theme that automatically binds behaviors to them. The latter approach is much simpler.

In this case, we use the following behaviors by installing Modules when initializing the app.


fun main() { // ... application (modules = listOf( // ... basicLabelBehavior (), nativeTextFieldBehavior (spellCheck = false), nativeHyperLinkBehavior (), nativeScrollPanelBehavior(), // ... )) { // load app ContactsApp( // ... theme = instance(), // automatically available b/c Behavior modules installed themeManager = instance(), // automatically available b/c Behavior modules installed // ... ) } }

Notice that we also install modules to get support for fonts, images, pointer, keyboard and others.

The Behavior modules used can be consumed in our app via the DynamicTheme instance. This theme picks up all registered behaviors and installs them to the View type they are supposed to bind to. We can therefore inject this Theme and a ThemeManager into the app's constructor.


class ContactsApp( // ... theme : DynamicTheme, themeManager: ThemeManager, // ... ): Application { // ... init { appScope.launch(uiDispatcher) { // ... themeManager.selected = theme // Install theme // ... } } // ... }


This app relies on navigation and routes to display various screens. The Web (full screen) version supports deep linking as a result. The mapping between various routes and handlers is established in the ContactsApp.


class ContactsApp( // ... router: Router, // ... ): Application { // ... init { appScope.launch(uiDispatcher) { // ... // Register handlers for different routes router["" ] = { _,_ -> /* Contact List */ } router["/add" ] = { _,_ -> /* Contact Creation */ } router["/contact/([0-9]+)" ] = { _, matches -> /* Contact */ } router["/contact/([0-9]+)/edit"] = { _, matches -> /* Contact Editing */ } // ... } } // ... }

The Router interface supports registration of handlers by regex strings. This allows for routes that contain variable data.

Responsive Layout

The app has 3 top-level Views that are visible at all times. The Header, main View, and Create Button. These are all placed within the Display, and are positioned, sized according to the specified Layout. That layout looks like this:


class ContactsApp( // ... display: Display, // ... ): Application { // ... init { appScope.launch(uiDispatcher) { // ... display.layout = object: Layout { // Header needs to be sized based on its minimumSize, so this layout should respond to any changes to it. override fun requiresLayout( child: Positionable, of : PositionableContainer, old : View.SizePreferences, new : View.SizePreferences ) = new.minimumSize != old.minimumSize override fun layout(container: PositionableContainer) { val mainView = container.children[1] val button = container.children[2] header.size = Size(container.width, header.minimumSize.height) mainView.bounds = Rectangle(INSET, header.height, max(0.0, header.width - 2 * INSET), max(0.0, container.height - header.height)) button.bounds = when { container.width > header.filterCenterAboveWidth -> Rectangle(container.width - appAssets.createButtonLargeSize.width - 20, (header.naturalHeight - appAssets.createButtonLargeSize.height) / 2, appAssets.createButtonLargeSize.width, appAssets.createButtonLargeSize.height) else -> Rectangle(container.width - appAssets.createButtonSmallSize.width - 20, container.height - appAssets.createButtonSmallSize.height - 40, appAssets.createButtonSmallSize.width, appAssets.createButtonSmallSize.height) } } } // ... } } // ... }

The Header is placed at the top and allowed to resize based on the Display's width. The header will update its minimumSize and idealSize based on its width, which in turn will trigger a re-layout (see requiresLayout above). The main View is always seated below the Header and takes the remaining space within the Display.

Notice that the Create Button is a floating View. It is aligned to the right of the Header when there is sufficient space, but pops down to the bottom-right when the app's width is below a threshold. The Header and other Views also adapt their internal layouts based on the app's width


The Create Button needs to be above all other Views, so the app ensures it is added to the Display last.

Main Views

The app's header (which is always visible) provides a way to filter the Contact List and navigate back to it whenever the logo area is clicked. It also positions its contents in a way that allows the floating create button to sit along side them as though it is a child.


class Header(/*...*/): View() { /** Search box that filters which contacts are shown */ private inner class FilterBox: View() { // ... } val naturalHeight = 64.0 private val filterRightAboveWidth = 672.0 private val filterCenterAboveWidth = 800.0 private val filterBox: FilterBox val filterCentered: Boolean get() = width > filterCenterAboveWidth var searchEnabled by observable(true) { _,new -> filterBox.enabled = new } init { children += Photo(assets.logo).apply { size = Size(40) } children += Label("Phonebook").apply { font = assets.large behavior = CommonLabelBehavior(textMetrics) acceptsThemes = false foregroundColor = assets.header } children += FilterBox().apply { size = Size(300, 45); font = assets.medium }.also { filterBox = it } val filterNaturalWidth = 300.0 layout = Layout.simpleLayout { container -> val logo = container.children[0] val label = container.children[1] val filter = container.children[2] logo.position = Point(2 * INSET, (naturalHeight - logo.height) / 2) label.position = Point(logo.bounds.right + 10, - label.height / 2) filter.bounds = when { container.width > filterCenterAboveWidth -> Rectangle((container.width - filterNaturalWidth) / 2, - filter.height / 2, filterNaturalWidth, filter.height) container.width > filterRightAboveWidth -> Rectangle( container.width - filterNaturalWidth - 2 * INSET, - filter.height / 2, filterNaturalWidth, filter.height) else -> Rectangle(logo.x, logo.bounds.bottom + INSET, max(0.0, container.width - 4 * INSET), filter.height) } }.then { minimumSize = Size(width, max(0.0, filterBox.bounds.bottom + 8)) idealSize = minimumSize } // Custom cursor when pointer in the "clickable" region pointerMotionChanged += moved { cursor = when { it.inHotspot -> Pointer else -> null } } // Show Contact list when "clickable" region clicked pointerChanged += clicked { if (it.inHotspot) { navigator.showContactList() } } } private val PointerEvent.inHotspot get() = this@Header.toLocal(location, target).x < 220 }

The Header uses pointer tracking to update its Cursor and handle clicking within its hot spot.


The FilterBox is a simple wrapper around a TextField that adds some iconography, handles styling and manages the animations.

private inner class FilterBox: View() { private var progress by renderProperty(0f ) private var animation: Animation? by observable (null) { old,_ -> old?.cancel() } private val searchIcon = PathIcon<View>(path(assets.searchIcon), fill =, pathMetrics = pathMetrics) private val searchIconSize = searchIcon.size(this) val textField = TextField().apply { placeHolder = "Search" borderVisible = false backgroundColor = Transparent placeHolderColor = assets.placeHolder focusChanged += { _,_,hasFocus -> // animate progress based on focus state animation = (animate (progress to if (hasFocus) 1f else 0f) using assets.slowTransition) { progress = it } } } init { cursor = Text clipCanvasToBounds = false val clearButton = PathIconButton(pathData = assets.deleteIcon, pathMetrics = pathMetrics).apply { size = Size(22, 44) cursor = Pointer visible = textField.text.isNotBlank() foregroundColor = fired += { textField.text = "" } } textField.textChanged += { _,_,new -> when { new.isBlank() -> contacts.filter = null else -> contacts.filter = {, ignoreCase = true) } } clearButton.visible = new.isNotBlank() } children += textField children += clearButton layout = constrain(children[0], children[1]) { textField, clear -> textField.left = parent.left + searchIconSize.width + 2 * 20 textField.height = parent.height textField.right = clear.left textField.centerY = parent.centerY clear.right = parent.right - 20 clear.centerY = parent.centerY } pointerChanged += clicked { focusManager.requestFocus(textField) } } override fun render(canvas: Canvas) { when { // draw shadow when animating (progress > 0) progress > 0f -> canvas.outerShadow(horizontal = 0.0, vertical = 4.0 * progress, color = assets.shadow, blurRadius = 3.0 * progress) { // interpolate color during animation canvas.rect(bounds.atOrigin, radius = 8.0, color = interpolate(assets.searchSelected, assets.background, progress)) } else -> canvas.rect(bounds.atOrigin, radius = 8.0, color = assets.searchSelected) } searchIcon.render(this, canvas, at = Point(20.0, (height - searchIconSize.height) / 2)) } }

Contact List

This is the main view within the app. It displays the contacts in a Table with three columns: Name, Phone Number, and an untitled one to hold the edit/delete tool buttons. This View extends Doodle's DynamicTable, which means it responds automatically to change in its underlying model. This is precisely what we need since Contacts will be added, edited, and deleted.


class ContactList( // ... ): DynamicTable<Contact, MutableListModel<Contact>>(contacts, SingleItemSelectionModel(), block = { val alignment : Constraints.() -> Unit = // ... val nameVisualizer : CellVisualizer<Contact, String> = // ... val toolsVisualizer: CellVisualizer<Contact, Unit> = // ... column(Label("Name" ), { name }, nameVisualizer ) { cellAlignment = alignment; headerAlignment = alignment } column(Label("Phone Number"), { phoneNumber }, TextVisualizer() ) { cellAlignment = alignment; headerAlignment = alignment } column(null, toolsVisualizer ) { cellAlignment = fill(Insets(top = 20.0, bottom = 20.0, right = 20.0)) } }) { init { // ... // Controls how the table's columns resize columnSizePolicy = object: ColumnSizePolicy { override fun layout(width: Double, columns: List<Column>, startIndex: Int): Double { columns[2].width = if (width > 672.0 - 2 * INSET) 100.0 else 0.0 // FIXME: factor out hard-coded width columns[0].width = width / 2 columns[1].width = width - columns[0].width - columns[2].width return width } override fun widthChanged(width: Double, columns: List<Column>, index: Int, to: Double) { // no-op } } behavior = ContactListBehavior(assets, navigator) acceptsThemes = false } } // ...

ContactList uses a SingleItemSelectionModel to ensure that only one row can be highlighted at a time.

The table's columns are defined (at construction time), and the sizing policy for their widths is specified in the apply block. Tables are all strongly-typed, so this one can only store Contacts. Which means each column can derive its data from some component of a Contact. The first two columns rely on and Contact.phoneNumber respectively. But the last column takes no data in, since it will simply show buttons that fire events.

The columnSizePolicy used sizes the columns so that they take up the entire table width and scale such that the 3rd one disappears when the table is below a threshold.

Custom Table Behavior

The ContactList uses a custom TableBehavior via ContactListBehavior. Doodle's Table is very customizable, since it delegates a lot of functionality to TableBehavior. We use this fact to specify how the header and body cells look and are positioned, as well as the way selection highlighting works.


class ContactListBehavior(private val assets: AppConfig, private val navigator: Navigator): TableBehavior<Contact>() { private inner class ContactCell<T>(/*...*/): View() { // Represents each cell in the table's body // Navigates to ContactView on pointer press // Adds/removes row selection (for highlighting) on pointer enter/exit } private val selectionChanged: SetObserver<Table<Contact, *>, Int> = { table,_,_ -> // Repaint the Table to show selected rows table.bodyDirty() } override fun install(view: Table<Contact, *>) { view.selectionChanged += selectionChanged } override fun uninstall(view: Table<Contact, *>) { view.selectionChanged -= selectionChanged } override val headerCellGenerator = object: AbstractTableBehavior.HeaderCellGenerator<Table<Contact, *>> { override fun <A> invoke(table: Table<Contact, *>, column: Column<A>) = container { // Column header cell with underline } } override val headerPositioner = object: AbstractTableBehavior.HeaderPositioner<Table<Contact, *>> { override fun invoke(table: Table<Contact, *>) = HeaderGeometry(0.0, TABLE_HEADER_HEIGHT) } // No overflow column will be in the Table override val overflowColumnConfig: Nothing? = null @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") override val cellGenerator: CellGenerator<Contact> = object: CellGenerator<Contact> { override fun <A> invoke(table: Table<Contact, *>, column: Column<A>, cell: A, row: Int, itemGenerator: ItemVisualizer<A, IndexedItem>, current: View?): View = when (current) { is ContactCell<*> -> (current as ContactCell<A>).apply { update(table, cell, row) } else -> ContactCell(table, column, cell, row, itemGenerator) } } override val rowPositioner: RowPositioner<Contact> = object: RowPositioner<Contact> { // Position rows like a vertical list private val delegate = VerticalListPositioner(ROW_HEIGHT) override fun rowBounds (of: Table<Contact, *>, row: Contact, index: Int) = delegate.itemBounds (of.size, of.insets, index) override fun row (of: Table<Contact, *>, at: Point ) = delegate.itemFor (of.size, of.insets, at ) override fun minimumSize(of: Table<Contact, *> ) = delegate.minimumSize(of.numItems, of.insets ) } override fun renderBody(table: Table<Contact, *>, canvas: Canvas) { canvas.rect(table.bounds.atOrigin, color = assets.background) // Highlight selected rows { it to table[it] }.forEach { (index, row) -> row.onSuccess { canvas.rect(rowPositioner.rowBounds(table, it, index).inset(Insets(top = 1.0)), assets.listHighlight) } } } }

Highlighting on pointer hover is handled by each cell in the Table. ContactCell registers Pointer/MotionListeners and sets its row un/selected accordingly. This then results in ContactListBehavior redrawing the Table background and coloring the selected rows.

Contact Creation

This View allows the user to create a new contact. It shows a preview of the avatar that will be used and takes text input for both the name and phoneNumber. This View uses child Views for these components, including a Form for the input fields.


class CreateContactView( // ... ): View() { private inner class DynamicAvatar(private val image: Image): Avatar(textMetrics, "") { override fun render(canvas: Canvas) { when { name.isBlank() -> canvas.clip(Circle(radius = min(width, height) / 2, center = Point(width / 2, height / 2))) { canvas.image(image, destination = bounds.atOrigin) } else -> super.render(canvas) } } } init { lateinit var name : String lateinit var phoneNumber: String val label = Label("Create Contact").apply { font = assets.medium height = 28.0 fitText = setOf(Width) } val back = buttons.back (assets.backIcon) val avatar = DynamicAvatar (assets.blankAvatar).apply { size = Size(176); font = assets.medium } val button = buttons.create(assets.buttonBackground, assets.buttonForeground).apply { font = assets.small enabled = false fired += { contacts += Contact(name, phoneNumber) navigator.showContactList() } } val spacer = view { height = 64.0 render = { line(Point(0.0, height / 2), Point(width, height / 2), stroke = Stroke(assets.outline)) } } val form = editForm( assets = assets, button = button, pathMetrics = pathMetrics, nameChanged = { = it }, textFieldStyler = textFieldStyler ) { name_, phone_ -> name = name_ phoneNumber = phone_ button.enabled = true } children += listOf(label, back, avatar, spacer, form, button) layout = constrain(label, back, avatar, spacer, form, button) { (label, back, avatar, spacer, form, button) -> // ... }.then { idealSize = Size(spacer.width + 2 * INSET, button.bounds.bottom + INSET) } } // Helper to use constrain with 6 items private operator fun <T> List<T>.component6() = this[5] }

Contact View

This View shows the details of a contact. It allows the user to edit or delete the contact. Editing jumps to the Contact Editing screen.


class ContactView(/*...*/): ContactCommon(/*...*/) { init { edit.apply { fired += { // Show Contact edit when pressed navigator.showContactEdit( } } val details = container { this += Label("Contact Details").apply { font = assets.small height = 24.0 fitText = setOf(Width) } this += HyperLink( url = "tel:${contact.phoneNumber}", text = contact.phoneNumber, icon = PathIcon(path = path(assets.phoneIcon), pathMetrics = pathMetrics, fill = assets.phoneNumber), ).apply { font = assets.small acceptsThemes = false iconTextSpacing = INSET behavior = linkStyler(this, object: CommonTextButtonBehavior<HyperLink>(textMetrics) { override fun install(view: HyperLink) { super.install(view) val textSize = textMetrics.size(text, font) val iconSize = icon!!.size(view) // Ensure link's size includes icon and text size = Size(textPosition(view).x + textSize.width, max(iconSize.height, textSize.height)) } override fun render(view: HyperLink, canvas: Canvas) { icon!!.render(view, canvas, at = iconPosition(view, icon = icon!!)) // Styled text with phoneNumberLink color and link's font canvas.text(assets.phoneNumberLink.invoke { view.font(view.text) }, at = textPosition(view)) } }) as Behavior<Button> } render = { rect(bounds.atOrigin.inset(0.5), radius = 12.0, stroke = Stroke(assets.outline)) } layout = constrain(children[0], children[1]) { label, link -> = + INSET label.left = parent.left + INSET = label.bottom + INSET link.left = label.left } } setDetail(details) layout = simpleLayout { layoutCommonItems() }.then { idealSize = Size(spacer.width + 2 * INSET, details.bounds.bottom + INSET) } } }

This view uses a customized HyperLink that contains an icon. HyperLinks are Buttons whose behaviors can be modified. In this case, we want the link to behave like a normal link, but fully customize the rendering. This is why we need to use linkStyler, which is a NativeHyperLinkStyler.

Contact Editing

Contacts are edited using this View. It is fairly similar to the CreateContactView, in that it displays the contact's avatar, name, phoneNumber, and presents a form to modify them. It also has a delete button to remove the Contact. This View shares a lot of structure with ContactView that is placed in the ContactCommon base class.


class EditContactView( // ... ): ContactCommon( // ... ) { init { lateinit var newName : String lateinit var newPhoneNumber: String edit.apply { enabled = false fired += { // tries to edit its contact contacts.edit( { name = newName phoneNumber = newPhoneNumber }.onSuccess { = it // updates its contact to the newly edited one } enabled = false } } val form = editForm(,, assets, textFieldStyler, pathMetrics, edit) { name, phone -> // called whenever the Form becomes valid newName = name newPhoneNumber = phone edit.enabled = name != || phone != } setDetail(form) // super class utility for specifying details view layout = simpleLayout { layoutCommonItems() // super class utility edit.position = Point(form.x, form.bounds.bottom + 2 * INSET) }.then { idealSize = Size(spacer.width + 2 * INSET, edit.bounds.bottom + INSET) } } }