
class MutableSpinButton<T, M : MutableSpinButtonModel<T>>(model: M, itemVisualizer: ItemVisualizer<T, SpinButton<T, M>>? = null) : SpinButton<T, M> , Editable(source)

A spin button control that can be edited.



that holds the current value of the spin-button


to visualize the values

See also


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constructor(model: M, itemVisualizer: ItemVisualizer<T, SpinButton<T, M>>? = null)


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object Companion


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Inherited properties

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Manages how the spin-button appearances and responds to interactions.

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override var bounds: Rectangle
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Defines how the contents within the spin-button should be aligned.

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Notifies of changes to the spin-button's value.

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protected open val children: ObservableList<View>
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val displayChange: BooleanObservers
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val displayRectHandlingChanged: BooleanObservers
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val enabledChanged: BooleanObservers
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val focusabilityChanged: BooleanObservers
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open var focusable: Boolean
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val focusChanged: BooleanObservers
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protected val focusCycleRoot: View?
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var font: Font?
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true IFF the spin-button's model has a next value.

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true IFF the spin-button's model has a previous value.

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override var height: Double
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override var idealSize: Size?
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protected open var insets: Insets
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protected open var isFocusCycleRoot: Boolean
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Determines how the spin-button renders it's value.

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protected open var layout: Layout?
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override var minimumSize: Size
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val model: M

that holds the current value of the spin-button

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var parent: View?
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override var position: Point
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override var size: Size
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open val value: Result<T>

The button's current value.

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Human-understandable text to represent the current value if the number is insufficient.

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val visibilityChanged: BooleanObservers
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override var visible: Boolean
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override var width: Double
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override var x: Double
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override var y: Double
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var zOrder: Int


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open override fun cancelEditing()
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open override fun completeEditing()
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fun set(value: T)
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Inherited functions

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protected open fun addedToDisplay()
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protected open infix fun ancestorOf(view: View): Boolean
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protected open fun child(at: Point): View?
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protected operator fun contains(child: View): Boolean
open operator override fun contains(point: Point): Boolean
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protected fun contentDirectionChanged()
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protected fun cursorChanged(old: Cursor?, new: Cursor?)
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protected open fun doLayout()
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protected fun enabledChanged(old: Boolean, new: Boolean, filter: (View) -> Boolean)
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protected open fun filterKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent)
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protected open fun filterPointerEvent(event: PointerEvent)
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protected open fun filterPointerMotionEvent(event: PointerEvent)
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fun fromAbsolute(point: Point): Point
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operator fun get(traversalType: FocusTraversalPolicy.TraversalType): Set<KeyState>?
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protected open fun handleDisplayRectEvent(old: Rectangle, new: Rectangle)
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protected open fun handleKeyEvent(event: KeyEvent)
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protected open fun handlePointerEvent(event: PointerEvent)
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protected open fun handlePointerMotionEvent(event: PointerEvent)
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open infix fun intersects(point: Point): Boolean
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fun next()

Updates the spin-button's value to the next item in its model, if one exists.

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fun previous()

Updates the spin-button's value to the previous item in its model, if one exists.

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protected open fun relayout()
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protected open fun removedFromDisplay()
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open override fun render(canvas: Canvas)
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fun rerender()
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protected fun revalidate()
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operator fun set(traversalType: FocusTraversalPolicy.TraversalType, keyStates: Set<KeyState>?)
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protected open fun shouldHandlePointerEvent(event: PointerEvent): Boolean
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protected fun styleChanged(filter: (View) -> Boolean)
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fun toAbsolute(point: Point): Point
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fun toLocal(point: Point, from: View?): Point
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fun toParent(point: Point): Point