Inherited properties
Inherited functions
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operator fun <A : Units, B : Units> UnitsRatio<A, B>.div(other: B): UnitsRatio<A, UnitsProduct<B, B>>
operator fun <A : Units, B : Units> UnitsRatio<A, B>.div(other: UnitsRatio<A, Square<B>>): Measure<B>
operator fun <A : Units, B : Units> UnitsRatio<UnitsProduct<A, A>, UnitsProduct<B, B>>.div( other: A): Measure<UnitsRatio<A, UnitsProduct<B, B>>>
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(A / B) * B
operator fun <A : Units, B : Units> UnitsRatio<A, B>.times(other: UnitsRatio<A, B>): UnitsRatio<UnitsProduct<A, A>, UnitsProduct<B, B>>
(A / B) * (A / B)
operator fun <A : Units, B : Units, C : Units> UnitsRatio<A, UnitsProduct<B, C>>.times(other: B): Measure<UnitsRatio<A, C>>
(A / (B * C)) * B