A visual component that renders an immutable list of items of type T using a TreeTableBehavior. Items are obtained via the model and selection is managed via the optional selectionModel. Large ("infinite") lists are supported efficiently, since Table recycles the Views generated to render its items.
Note that this class assumes the given TreeModel is immutable and will not automatically respond to changes in the model.
TreeTable provides vertical scrolling internally, so it does not need to be embedded in a ScrollPanel or similar component, unless horizontal scrolling is desired.
that holds the data for the Table
that manages the Table's selection state
determining how many "hidden" items are rendered above and below the Table's view-port. A value of 0 means only visible items are rendered, but quick scrolling is more likely to show blank areas.
factory to define the set of columns for the Table
that manages the Table's selection state
Inherited properties
Scrolls the last selected item into view if the Table is within a ScrollPanel.