
class RadialGradientPaint(val colors: List<GradientPaint.Stop>, val start: Circle, val end: Circle) : GradientPaint

A radial gradient Paint that transitions between a list of Stops.



at stop points


circle from which the gradient flows


circle that the gradient stops at


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constructor(color1: Color, color2: Color, start: Circle, end: Circle)

Creates a fill with a gradient between the given colors.

constructor(colors: List<GradientPaint.Stop>, start: Circle, end: Circle)


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val end: Circle

circle that the gradient stops at

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circle from which the gradient flows

Inherited properties

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at stop points along the transition

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open override val visible: Boolean

true IFF any one of colors is visible

Inherited functions

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operator fun Paint?.invoke(target: Target = Foreground, text: () -> StyledText): StyledText
operator fun Paint?.invoke(text: String, target: Target = Foreground): StyledText