A DynamicList component that renders a mutable list of items of type T using a ListBehavior. Items are obtained via the model and selection is managed via the optional selectionModel. Large ("infinite") lists are supported efficiently, since List recycles the Views generated to render its items.
MutableList does not provide scrolling internally, so it should be embedded in a ScrollPanel or similar component if needed.
that holds the data for this List
that manages the List's selection state
determining how many "hidden" items are rendered above and below the List's view-port. A value of 0 means only visible items are rendered, but quick scrolling is more likely to show blank areas.
Controls whether and how the list can be edited. The list will not be editable without an editor specified.
Notifies changes to sortOrder
Inherited properties
Controls how the List behaves and how its items are rendered. A List will not render without a behavior specified.
Defines how the contents of an item should be aligned within it.
Notifies of changes to the list
Notifies of changes to the List's selection.
that manages the List's selection state only visible items are rendered, but quick scrolling is more likely to show blank areas.
Cancels the current edit operation and discards its result.
Indicates that editing is now complete. The current edit operation is terminated and its result is incorporated into the list.
Sorts the list with the given comparator. This causes the underlying model to also be sorted.
Sorts the list (descending) with the given comparator. This causes the underlying model to also be sorted.
Inherited functions
Scrolls item into view if the List is within a ScrollPanel.
Scrolls the last selected item into view if the List is within a ScrollPanel.